In-Touch Tree ServicesIn-Touch Tree Services

Telephone0418 186 477



Although tree removal, tree lopping or tree felling is a last resort, there are circumstances where it can be necessary.

Tree removal Noosa, tree arborist Noosa, tree pruning Noosa, in touch tree services Noosa
In Touch Tree Services can help you decide whether a tree should be removed by way of visiting your property anywhere in the Noosa area. We have the skills and equipment to safely and efficiently remove trees.

In Touch Tree Services abide by Noosa tree removal laws within the local government area and can assist with Council applications if your tree is situated in a Vegetation Protection zone.

NB: Penalties apply if an individual or corporation damages vegetation without a permit (where a permit is required), breaches the conditions of a permit, or fails to produce a permit on request.

Tree removal is recommended when:

  • The tree is dead or dying;
  • The tree is considered irreparably hazardous;
  • The tree is causing an obstruction that is impossible to correct by pruning;
  • The tree is crowding and causing harm to other trees;
  • The tree is to be replaced with a more suitable species;
  • The tree is located in an area where new construction requires removal.

In Touch Tree Services will assess your tree's needs, to offer the best possible solution for the property owner's peace of mind, and for the health of your trees. In most cases, a maintenance schedule for regular tree pruning may be all that is required, but in some situations, complete removal of the tree may be suggested.

In Touch Tree Services adhere to the Australian Standard AS4373 (2007) Pruning of Amenity Trees for our tree pruning practises.


In Touch Tree Services offers tree pruning as a service to improve the form and shape of trees and shrubs, to remove problematic or dangerous branches and to reduce green waste from around homes and buildings.

In Touch Tree Services can determine the type of pruning necessary to maintain or improve the health, appearance and safety of your trees.

Pruning techniques include:

  • Eliminating tree branches that rub against each other;
  • Removal of tree branches that interfere with service wires, buildings, gutters, roofs, or windows;
  • Removal of tree branches for vehicle and pedestrian clearance;
  • Removal of dead or weak tree branches that pose a hazard, or may lead to decay;
  • Removal of diseased or insect-infested tree branches;
  • Creating better structure to lessen wind resistance and reduce the potential for storm damage;
  • Training the growth of young trees;
  • Removal of tree branches damaged by adverse weather conditions;
  • Removal of tree branches, or thinning of tree branches to increase light penetration;
  • Improving the shape of the tree.

In Touch Tree Services will assess your tree's needs, to offer the best possible solution for the property owner's peace of mind, and for the health of your trees. In most cases, a maintenance schedule for regular tree pruning may be all that is required, but in some situations, complete removal of the tree may be suggested.

In Touch Tree Services adhere to the Australian Standard AS4373 (2007) Pruning of Amenity Trees for our tree pruning practises.

Tree removal Noosa, tree arborist Noosa, tree pruning Noosa, in touch tree services Noosa Tree removal Noosa, tree arborist Noosa, tree pruning Noosa, in touch tree services Noosa Tree removal Noosa, tree arborist Noosa, tree pruning Noosa, in touch tree servicecontacts Noosa